We have had a busy couple of days attending the annual Resource and Waste Management exhibition which is held at the NEC, Birmingham. Paul presented on the first day of the event on Advanced Thermal Waste Treatments in one of the many theatres located across the venue. The presentation was well attended and lots of questions were asked at the end of the session. As Volunteer Co-ordinator, Leanne supported Waste Aid UK on the first day of the event, she helped out at the stand showcasing what Waste Aid UK have achieved over the last 3 years.

We also organised a number of business development meetings with contractors, Local Authorities and Waste Partnerships. In between all of that we managed to attend a number of seminars on topics including the Deposit Return Scheme – does it work?; Understanding the Plastic Problem: the Key to Unlock the Solution and The Changing Face of Waste Collection Through Technology.

A busy, informative and exciting week for the FRM team!

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