Making of a MRF

Cherie our Associate Director alongside our client Ali Kemp, Technical Director at Wardell Armstrong have published an article in the latest edition of Circular (page 51) which summarises the partnership process applied for developing a sub-regional local authority owned Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) in the West Midlands.

Back in 2016 Coventry City Council initially sought to increase its service resilience by considering the potential to develop and operate a sub-regional MRF. We were brought in to deliver the initial feasibility study for the project, we have remained engaged in the programme and supported the detailed modelling for the business case.

The MRF is planned to be developed on Coventry City Council land – adjacent to the Whitley EfW plant and depot, to process mixed dry recyclate collected from Coventry, Solihull, Walsall, North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth, Rugby and Stratford-upon-Avon.

Feasibility studies and business cases for infrastructure covering waste recycling, treatment, collection and other potential commercial opportunities is a core capability of Frith Resource Management.

Service demands, contingency arrangements and local government service capacity has been challenged by the Covid-19 crisis and in many cases will require substantial development in the light of the National Resources & Waste Strategy. We can support you to assess the opportunities to develop enhanced infrastructure and capability, either publicly owned or outsourced through effective procurement process. For an informal friendly chat call 01746 552423 or email

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