Shedding tiers - what does the change to a Unitary Council mean for WM services?

We heard a great presentation at the CIWM NE Centre Christmas lunch on Friday, from North Yorkshire Council on their transition (still on-going, they only became Unitary in April of ‘23) to a more harmonised service, notably around collection, but also about infrastructure, depots and communications. Then this morning (Monday, 16th Dec) we have the announcement about the Government seeking proposals from all remaining two tier Councils on how they will move to Unitary status / Strategic Authority going forward. This is the ‘default’ position – sounds familiar – we had the same terminology expressed a couple of weeks ago on Simpler Recycling.

We have a range of recent (2024) experience in this, through working with both Westmorland & Furness Council (previously Eden, Barrow and South Lakeland Councils, and half of Cumbria County Council), and also West Northants Council (previously South Northants, Daventry and Northampton, and half of Northamptonshire County Council). Both relatively new Unitary Councils are seeking to harmonise collection services, and we were helping with tasks including undertaking service reviews, modelling collections, and looking at future strategy. This also presents opportunities to look at a variety of other aspects such as:

  • Governance (e.g. ‘ownership’ of services, who operates them),
  • Infrastructure (where facilities are, how suitable are they)
  • Policies and charges (bulky waste, garden waste, trade waste, side waste)
  • Planning / modelling for change and integration
  • Procurement (single client rather than multiple client side)
  • Other allied services (e.g. street cleansing, enforcement)
  • Back office savings
  • Shared best practice in operations and services
  • ….and asking the public what they want (Consultation)

The split between collection and disposal functions can create issues in some areas where savings in one service element have led to costs for another Council body (and vice versa), so more bringing these service elements together can help address these efficiency aspects. A link to the English Devolution White Paper is here:

For any queries on developing waste services in Unitary Councils please call (01746 552423) or email

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