To listen or not to listen - that is the question...

The listening exercise FRM supported, as the first stage in the development of a new Joint Waste Strategy for North London, highlighted that people want to make positive environmental choices and want public services to help them do so. This consultation was not alone in scratching the surface and understanding local concerns that helps mould waste strategy development. The value of consultation has been demonstrated by five public consultation and strategy exercises led by FRM over the past two years, with a wide range of issues of concern in different areas and services including:

  • public perceptions around vermin and pests
  • scepticism due to abandoned food waste trials
  • local concerns around choice / type of containers
  • flytipping & litter
  • views on the range of materials (recyclables) collected, and
  • restrictions of visiting recycling and reuse centres.

Consultation makes a difference. It allows local authorities and partnerships to listen to and understand local perceptions of existing services, explore potential changes (either enforced through policy and / or a desire to improve services) and both raise and receive feedback on ideas of better working the community to a shared goal. Each of these elements strengthen strategies and help achieve greater ‘buy in’ to the direction of services adopted by Councils and Partnerships to help make a real difference in local communities.

There are various formats for gaining views. Each have different merits and resources attached and examples we have worked with are: surveys (qualitative and quantitative); focus groups; pop-up events (e.g. in busy areas); workshops; online or in person polls, and; specific questionnaires for certain audiences (e.g. schools).

Frith Resource Management provides consultation and stakeholder engagement support for projects targeting different audiences ranging from the public through to members, officers and other stakeholders. We are specialists in waste management and carbon. For details see or call 01746 552423 or email

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